Sunday, May 13, 2012


Well, today was a frustrating day for me as a teacher. Not so much frustrating as it was upsetting.

Every month, I have a meeting that has all of the KSACC teachers and the before and after school managers together. I like meeting with them to share our thoughts and ideas. My main concern is it during the school day. This requires the KSACC teachers to get a substitute. Well... my main sub was sick. I had a different sub come to my room who had never met my students. She is a fabulous person and sub... but it went crazy upon my departure. I feel bad leaving, knowing that some events may occur because of the change in the dynamics of the classroom. I am always a nervous wreck when I am not in my room. This is probably a personal issue... the lack of control, missing my kinders, etc. Today was no different.

When I came back from my meeting, I walked into a child bleeding (caused by another), children not obeying, and it was just a bit chaotic. What a bummer. It is hard enough to leave now, and I was just so deflated returning to all of these things. So... with 20 minutes left in the school day, I had to check their work from the day, pack them up (folders, work, lunchboxes, etc.), write an incident report, write a behavior update, AND finish a rainstick. WHEW! It was quite the doozy.

Did I mention how much I don't like to lose control of things?  Next up, jury duty. We can only see how that goes.


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