Saturday, March 24, 2012


The Hunger Games! WOW! I started reading the book a couple days ago but was only able to get into the first 30 pages in the ten minutes of silent reading in KSACC. With the rest of the week flying by and busy as ever, I didn't get a chance to sit down and read. I wanted to, but priorities. So, Friday it was!

Yesterday, after school, I came home and sat and read. John was home, on Spring Break, and I decided I wanted to just read! I have another book waiting in the wings, so I wanted to get The Hunger Games finished. Well.. I did! I was up until 1am (I haven't seen that time in a long time...) and I finished. I want to see the movie, but I am scared the pictures won't match mine! (the conflict of the book turned movie continues) I give the book 4.5/5 stars! It was a good read and kept me intrigued and wanting to read more. I was also reading to see if a few 5th graders I know could handle the content and brutality.

What a twisted concept the whole book is based around. The more I think about it the more I compare it to things that happen in our world. Children made to kill. Sad, but it happens in our world today. I think that this book brings that to light in a way that doesn't make it seem brutal or wrong. The other thing that I found so interesting was the main characters, Katniss and Peeta, and home. In the book, they come from District 12. District 12 is modern day Appalachia where they mine coal. Sounds like home to me. I think that aspect made it dear to my heart and made me follow their 'home' story more. I recommend the book and hope that you enjoy it too! I will update you when I see the movie...

Next book for the weekend: The Leader in Me by Steven R. Covey. DCS is adopting a lot of the thoughts and ideas from this book, so I want to read up! I will keep you updated!


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